Dr. Date Clinic,Vallabhbhai Patel Road,Bandra West, Mumbai

Brow Lift

A brow lift procedure is performed to raise sagging eyebrows and reduce lines and creases caused by ageing and certain inherited traits. Younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or muscle over-activity may also benefit from a brow lift. At Dr. Date's clinic, this procedure is routinely performed for men and women who want more youthful features and a smoother forehead. With a brow lift, the eyebrows can also be shaped in a more feminine way with a higher outer arch. Dr Date also commonly performs a brow lift in the transgendered male-to-female patients to feminise a face. With his technique, he can achieve 3 beneficial results:

  • more feminine eyebrows.

  • reduction of frontal bossing.

  • advancement of the anterior scalp for a more youthful and feminine forehead.

A brow lift rejuvenates the brow by removing excess tissue, altering muscles and tightening the forehead skin. This procedure can correct the following conditions:

  • Forehead creases and furrows

  • Drooping eyebrows

  • Hooding over eyes

  • Frown lines between the eyebrows

Even though some patients express concerns only about a certain area of the face, facial ageing typically affects all areas of the face simultaneously. During the consultation, Dr. Date specifically explains the treatment plan that he believes will produce the optimal results based on your specific needs.

Dr. Date will help you reach your expectations by achieving beautiful, natural-looking results. Request a consultation or call our office at +91 8291583850.

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